Liu-Lian the Cat

The cute cat on the website cover is Liu-Lian (榴莲). He was born in Oklahoma City on Dec 11th, 2018. We named him after our favorite fruit Durian, which pronunciation in Chinese is Liu-Lian. He is a show quality Ragdoll cat and has some prize-winning relatives in the family tree.

Liu-Lian is very playful and super clingy. We think he has a dog personality. He loves to follow people from room to room and has never been shy when facing strangers or other cat. Besides robbing my dinner or jumping across kitchen counters, he is a quite good boy. His speciality is that he knows how to jump and push handle to open doors. There has been countless of nights that he sleeping by my side while I coding throughout the night.

Here is a link to all Liulian’s photos: Liulian Photo Album

When he still at the breeder
We flied him home from OK
He got his first cat tree
We took him to the beach
He is a really fluffy boi
He actually is Mickey Mouse
Smash the like button if you find one
Muscle cat
Ninja mode
Sweet dreams
Meme that will be trending in 2077